Vietnamese Copy 1911 .45 ACP caliber pistol. Vietnamese made copy of Colt 1911, one of the crudest copies that we have seen! Handmade and brought back from Vietnam War. This gun comes with paperwork in Vietnamese and photos of soldier surrendering.
эээ Slayerзапретить мы уже слышали (кстати. ведь у Slayer фанаты не молодежь, а вполне серьезные дядечки, которые и "обидеться могут", тоже по "серьезному",... думаю Энтео себе карму попортить может), но теперь походу и ФУТБОЛ запретить! :))
*** An A-7 Corsair II of 76th Tactical Fighter Squadron drops Mark 82 bombs on Vietcong positions.
U.S. Army H-21 taking South Vietnamese troops to battle in Vietnam. These machines quickly became outdated, so U.S forces were not allowed to be transported on them, but the Army was still allowed to take their allied troops on them.